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Download this text updated 11/22/2007
Sing with your friends, record your voices, listen to your favorite files in midi or mp3, look at your vidéos, sort your audio files and vidéos in catalogues.
All is possible simply with clear and intuitive menus. The possibilities of personalization are infinite. Play with the musics and the images in slide show.
Test KaraWin to see whether it corresponds to your wishs, it is free to try. There is just a small screen of waiting to the launching of the songs. KaraWin Std and Pro are shareware of low cost for the private individuals and for the professionals in order to offer the best to everyone.
Only the display of the words with the music is really restricted only by one window of remind on the non registered versions. This window contains a counter of use which slows down the launch of the songs more and more.
The other functions of KaraWin (management of the directories, extraction of words etc...) are free. So that KaraWin continues its development, it needs all of you. If you appreciate this software, let it know to your friend. Diffuse the address of this site to the world. Professionals who exploit KaraWin for your bars, evenings, camp-site etc. You can diffuse the cards of KaraWin to your customers. These cards are available to the format Word (calling cards to be distributed) to print on the precut standard ones. Do not forget that you can make your publicity on the pros page and add a link to KaraWin.
The Free family is a simple free player to read all standards karaoke files (midi, kar or mp3 kok).
The Std family is the continuity of the KaraWin 1.9 release, but be warned that the Key has changed.
If you are a registered user, you must ask me for a free key upgrade by clicking here (Ask for the new key) and in giving me your firstname, lastname and address.
You can also ask for your new key by mail with a stamped letter for the return, and the same information.
Please do not write your old key in the email or mail. KaraWin Std adds mainly background images computing, presets creation/edition and cdg format to the free release.
The Pro family is for professionals with advanced needs for public show and karaoke files management. Main news will be integrated in this family in the future. Registered users of the Std family can upgrade to the Pro family with only the price delta between both family (only by mail). As usual, the key is valid for all new releases in each family. The Pro licence must be used for any public show.
What are the differences between Std and Pro families?
To summarize, it is a way to start on a new generation based on more powerful statements.
The following table gives the differences and the improvements to come: Click here to View the table
The complement: JingleWin |
Try KaraWin Std and KaraWin Pro
©Jean-Pierre.Cocatrix KaraWin